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Rudbeckia and Zinnias

Today I want to give thanks to my readers and supporters. Without you this website would not exist. Your delightful and sometimes curious comments bring me joy and encouragement to continue my blogging journey and do my absolute best to respond to your inquiries. 

I have received several requests regarding posting on the Zinnia Boy blog. I welcome all who love to garden and have comments and opinions you wish to share. You may submit up to 250 words on the topic of gardening to  Your post must include your name and email address and may be edited for length, grammar and accuracy.  I look forward to receiving your thoughts and perspectives on the world of gardening.  Cheers

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Winter is a great time to start seeds indoors. Start flower and vegetable seeds in a combination of vermiculite, compost, peat moss or sand. Mix one part vermiculite and one part (sifted) compost into flats or pots. Sow seeds and sprinkle the tops with peat moss or sand. Water and place the flats or pots in a controlled environment with adequate heat and light. 

Today I will be getting a head start on our featured flower of the month Hibiscus. Hibiscus is a perennial flower from the plant family mallow. It consists of several hundred species and is native to Tropical and sub Tropical regions around the world. The flowers come in a multitude of colors with blooms starting in early summer and lasting till late fall. The flowers can be as wide as 8 inches and reach heights of 24-30 inches but I am planting hibiscus because it is full sun, drought tolerant and above all “resilient”. Cheers 

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What’s Poppin?


Fall has arrived and change is underway. Hues of brown, gold and orange dominate the landscape, a scene that delights again and again. The days are getting shorter, the nights  cooler, and frost appears on the horizon yet there are still flowers appearing in early fall. Cosmos, marigolds and zinnias are lighting up my garden’s landscape.  These drought tolerant jewels have survived hot dry conditions in zone 4 and are living up to their reputation. As the last of these blooms fade it is time to sow root vegetables and salad greens, plant garlic and fall bulbs such as crocus, hyacinth, allium, tulips and daffodils. After all, change will come again and Spring will appear.  Cheers

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Look Up and Live

Life can be challenging for all of us. The ups and downs can take its toll but let’s remember to be resilient no matter what life brings. Our lives are short like the seasons. It is important to stop and notice the good that surrounds us and to raise our heads high to look up and live. 

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Magnificent Rain

Pansies and Snap Dragons
Pansies and Snap Dragons

We are experiencing a rainy start to the spring season here in zone 4. The much needed moisture is performing miracles throughout my garden’s landscape. The plants are soaking in the precipitation creating supersized flowers. The additional rain has left me scrambling to install garden stakes to keep plants from imploding on themselves from the additional weight of the water. I’m also taking advantage of the moment by plugging in a few annuals in the bare spot throughout the garden.  I’ve had a few floral casualties from the additional rain but the gains have outweighed the losses. I can only hope that this wonderful trend continues into summer.  Happy Planting 

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Late Frost

Early spring brings me great joy as I anticipate the seasonal blooms that are on the horizon. As I clear debris from my garden I discover early delights emerging from their winter slumber in the form of perennial salvias, poppies and allium. Tulips and daffodils take center stage.  Here in zone 4 we are still in danger of frost and snow. It should be safe to plant annuals after Mothers Day but until then, I will enjoy our feature flower of the month Allium. Allium is native to the Middle East. I planted allium bulbs last fall in rich well draining soil in a full sun location. Mature allium plants range from 1 – 4 feet tall and the “pom-poms” can be 3 – 10 inches wide.  Colors include pink, purple, yellow and green. Add this frost proof gem to your list of fall bulbs. Cheers