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Growing Native Species

Adding native plant species to your garden is beneficial to the environment.   One of the greatest advantages is the attraction of beneficial creatures that aid in the control of garden pest.  Pests such as aphids and mites are a source of food for beneficial creatures like ladybugs. Using natural resources eliminates the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides.

Contact your local university or garden center to obtain information on what native species grow in your area and start a positive footprint in your garden.

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A Garden Oasis

I feel a sense of gratitude for the gardens that surround my dwelling as they give me comfort and joy.   The act of planning and working in the garden to produce seasonal blooms is not only infectious but addictive and contributes to my physical and mental well being.  For years, sunlight, the good earth and rain have enabled me to produce unimaginable beauty for myself and others. Playing in the dirt will never get old and I encourage you to create your own personal oasis.  Cheers

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A Time to Grill

It’s always the right time to grill and the holidays are no exception.  For several years, come rain or shine I have prepared turkey, chicken, goose or duck on my outdoor grill.  There are advantages to grilling your holiday meal, you’ll save space in your oven for additional delightful items on your menu and grilling naturally circulates air around your meat keeping it moist so no basting required. Follow the instructions for your particular grill regarding time and temperature and have an unforgettable holiday. meal.

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Ice Plant


Our featured flower of the month is a perennial ground cover called “Delosperma”.  Delosperma is a member of the Aizoaceae plant family and is also known as the “Mesa Verde Ice Plant’. Flowers are soft and appear to be iridescent with succulent leaves. The ice plant adapts well to our climate in zone 4 and is magnificent when used as a border or draped over walls and boulders.  I start my plants in garden loam or gravelly soil for plants that are four inches high and spread out up to 15 inches.  Cheers

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Floral Gardening

The Flower Affect

Floral Gardening

My eBook “The Flower Affect” is your one stop solution for identifying and growing familiar flowers.  It is floral gardening made easy and readily available for download on your Kindle or mobile device at Amazon here: