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Fall Classic


One traditional ornament of fall is known as a “Jack-O-lantern”.  A vegetable with numerous varieties and sizes, pumpkins can weigh over one hundred pounds. The “meat” inside a pumpkin’s tough exterior makes an excellent pie and the internal seeds can be roasted, creating a very nutritious snack.






When hallowed out, the pumpkin makes a seasonal Halloween art form. To create your special pumpkin patch I suggest planting 4-6 seeds in groups 6-8’ apart or in rows. Happy Halloween!

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I often refer to my favorite flowering perennials as “flowers everlasting”. I say this because every season I can depend upon their return throughout my garden landscape. Their natural and automatic blooms appear to make gardening a synch unlike annuals that must be planted every season. Here are three of my favorite Perennial flowers. Enjoy!










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The Market


It won’t be long and one of my favorite weekend activities will end for the year.  Spending time at my local outdoor Farmer’s Market has always provided a sense of community and gives me the opportunity to support local farmers and entrepreneurs. The cost of goods is nearly always lower and the eco footprint smaller compared to purchasing from a grocer.  I can purchase produce that I know has not been in a truck for days and I may be receiving that piece of fruit or those vegetables from the hand of someone who actually harvested it a short time ago. The direct contact is an amazing experience.  Cheers

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Fall Flowers

Aster Fireworks
Aster Fireworks

Fall is here and our featured flower of the month is the Aster. The flowers are a delicate disk with vibrant colors that resemble fireworks in your garden. This plant performs well in full sun and makes an excellent choice for your drought tolerant landscape. Because the aster is a slow developing plant, I suggest sowing seeds indoors in late winter or early spring. Cheers